by Jack Korten (Australia)

The word "mnemonic" is derived from the Ancient Greek word Mnemosyne, the name of the goddess of memory in Greek mythology.   Mnemonics – a memorisation technique.

In Germany, it is called: "donkey's bridge" (Eselsbrücke).
Donkeys are very afraid of water and refuse to wade through even the smallest streams.
To provide encouragement, a ford or small bridge is built, the "donkey's bridge", which leads to the required result.

Below are a few of the more common mnemonics:

Pangram   (i.e. using every letter of the alphabet)
pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs  

Calendar months
Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November.
All the rest have thirty-one, Except for February all alone,
It has twenty-eight each year, but twenty-nine each leap year.

Order of planets from the Sun:
(Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto)
My Very Easy Method, Just Set Up Nine Planets
Note: Since 24 August 2006, Pluto is known as a dwarf planet.

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Dezimalzahlen gegen Binärzahlen oder 10 gegen 2

Decimal vs Binary, base 10 values vs base 2 values. (by Jack B. Korten)

When you purchase a 1 terabyte hard drive, you will find that it holds only 931 gigabytes. What happened to the missing 69 gigabytes?

The prefixes kilo, mega, giga, tera etc.. belong to the International System of Units (SI) which uses a decimal system with base 10 values.

kilo       103      from Greek "chilioi" meaning 'thousand' (10001)

mega   106      from Greek "megas" meaning 'great', 'large'

giga     109      from Greek "gigas" meaning ‘giant’.

tera      1012    from Greek "teras", meaning 'monster'.

peta     1015    from Greek "penta" meaning five (10005)

exa      1018    from Greek "hex" meaning ‘six’.

zetta    1021 from Latin "septem" meaning seven, p dropped, first letter changed to z

yotta    1024    from Latin "octo" meaning eight, y added, c dropped.

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